Kernow Dive Festivals – What’s it like?

110 divers, 14 Clubs, 9 RIBs and Great Weather!

Penzance June 2017

The 15th Annual Kernow Dive Festival took place in Penzance, where 80 divers, together with families from 10 dive clubs, met to dive, party and raise money for DDRC Healthcare. They dived 9 different sites, ranging from Low Lee Ledges for the less experienced, to the JR Parks for mixed gas divers and the Runnelstone for those seeking a high energy site!

_MG_3772The Kernow Federation of BSAC branches was formed 17 years ago to
promote inter-branch communication, and assist each other with training. The Festival each year takes this concept and turns it into an amazing inter branch 2 day expedition and raising fund event for DDRC Healthcare, the hyperbaric chamber based at Derriford, Plymouth. Dive buddies are paired from different branches, chosen by preferred site and qualification.   This year we made £4,500 for DDRC

The sites are selected at a meeting early in the year and each club volunteers to take on different responsibilities. This year, Peninsula branch put shots on all the chosen sites, Mid Cornwall Divers arranged the route cards and planning for the boats, Plymouth Sound took on the BBQ, East Cornwall DiveSONY DSCrs selected the beverages with Duchy Divers in charge of the clear up after the party! The Coastguard dedicated a working channel and monitored the event, the Penzance harbor-master allowed free launching of the RIBs and Cardinney Camp site gave a special rate! The weather was fantastic!

_MG_3811The evening saw a gigantic BBQ followed by a raffle and auction organised by Totnes branch BSAC,  to raise more money for DDRC. Prizes were donated by branches, individual members and SUUNTO, AP Diving, 4th Element, Roddas (the clotted cream hamper!)  Seaways Diving and DDRC who auctioned a chamber dive for 8, won by the crew from 4th Element from Helston!

The next Kernow Dive Festival is on the weekend of 12th September 2020. Put it in your diaries!